About Us

It all started with my love for baths and my journey to find wellness.

Since becoming a mother I have struggled with making myself a priority. But one thing that has helped me is taking time each week for my favorite thing… a relaxing bath.

I blame my interest on all things health and wellness on my mother who always taught us to find balance in it all. From having wheat grass growing on our counters to eating chocolate as if it were a food group. I find joy in learning new ways of helping my family live in a more healthy and balanced way.


So how did Rocks Detox come about? Well I have had salt lamps around my house for years and have enjoyed the feeling of peace they bring and also their detoxing capabilities to our environment. You already know I am obsessed with baths which has lead to me trying a lot of different bath products. Some good, some bad but that’s where my spark for something new started. So it seems fitting that a bath salt rock company was started in my bath.


I hope our products bring you all the peace, balance, and wellness that it has brought us. And that you fall in love with them as much as we have!


Rachel Harper Rocks Detox Creator 

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